17 February 2007

Sunny day and real estate

First sunny day in a while. Kinda forgot that the world was something other than grayscale.

I get to spend it cleaning the house (vacuuming, mopping, throwing out old food, etc.) and then raking the yard. Walking the dogs probably figures in there, too. Maybe I'll clean the garage. Gotta clear out the room in the basement and rip up the carpet to float the cement floor. On a lighter note, I get to spend the day by myself doing these things. Trading the labor for solitude is what's needed today.

Looks like I'll get most of the day.

As an aside, the Suicide Girls DVD is pretty darn good. Funny and hot alterna-chicks on it. The cool thing is that they convey that they genuinely like what they're doing and don't have a bad attitude while having "attitude". Apparently there's some controversy about them now d/t former Suicide Girls thinking that the group has sold out, but that was a while ago. Read on and decide:

the main site
a MySpace site with daily preview pictures.
The 2005 Wired story about the "controversy" (or as some in the news might say, "contoversy").

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