08 February 2007

What do you fear most of all in the world?

"That love is not enough."

I don't know what movie that came from but it's a sample in an Apoptygma Berserk song and it frightens me more and more as my life goes on. It's a strange truth that one thing can sustain you but many things are needed for growth. Striving for success, money, wanting to take out all the best strikers in your soccer league and instill fear in others who come your way on the pitch when you're on defense -- each can be a personal motivator and one that drives you to do superhuman things. Eventually, though, everyone's got a threshold.

Discovering that threshold is tough; realizing you've passed it long ago can be demoralizing or debilitating. More so, asking the question "Is it worth it?" and dreading the answer you say back to yourself.

I can say that in some aspects of my life, I definitely blew by the thresholds and am now paying the price. With others, I seem to have pulled up from the terminal velocity dive in time to avert disaster only to realize the view was a lot better when I wasn't concerned about the details.

So, I guess that we all have our own personal El Guapos to face. Here's hoping that you can look yours straight in the eyes and not look back as you blew by, only to find that your pants caught a nail and have been unraveling for a hundred yards.

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